domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2020

Materia Prima

 Existen algunos bienes materiales que no pueden ser utilizados directamente por los consumidores ya que necesitan ser transformados (el petróleo por ejemplo). Las materias primas son el primer eslabón de una cadena de fabricación, y en las distintas fases del proceso se irán transformando hasta convertirse en un producto apto para el consumo. 

Hay numerosos tipos y formas de materia prima, tantos como procesos de elaboración. 

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2019


                                                                     The  History of Pizza.

Pizza is a meal that has been eaten since ancient times, it is a fast and easy food to prepare.
The first pizza is hated to say that it was only with tomato and was presented to the Queen of England which was given approval.

Over time other cultures have adapted the pizza according to their customs, in Hawaii they put pineapple, in the United States they added French potatoes and ground beef. On the other hand in the coastal areas they added seafood.

To date, more than 100 pizza recipes have been created and it can be said that it is the most globalized food sold worldwide.

Resultado de imagen para pizza